Is Digital Graffiti The Next Art Trend?
Graffiti is a form of art that is commonly used to leave messages on the backs of buildings, walls, or other surfaces. Graffiti is often a way to express yourself,…
5 Common App Development Errors and How to Avoid Them
Between 80-90% of mobile apps get uninstalled after the first use. The average mobile app loses 77% of its daily active users within three days of the user adding it…
Is SD-Wan Secure? Your SD-Wan Security Guide
Did you know in 2020, Google’s network was hit by a massive 2.54 Tbps DDoS attack? You might be worried about someone attacking your network, and so you might want…
OCR: 5 Ways To Convert Images to Text
Optical character recognition (OCR) is software that enables you to convert images to text. It’s an easy, effective way to change scanned or otherwise computerized images into editable text. OCR works…
Is the Laptop Repair Cost Worth It?
Is your laptop giving you fits right now? Maybe your keyboard suddenly stopped working. Maybe your screen isn’t getting as bright as it should. Or maybe you’re experiencing one of…
Everything You Need to Know About the ASPX File Type
You might have come across an ASPX file type. This is a unique web page file type that was created by Microsoft’s ASP.NET network. ASPX stands for Active Server Page…
3 Practical Steps to Secure Your Cloud Data
This may come as a surprise to you – information stored in the cloud is not safe! And the worst part? You won’t know until you actually need the information…
Eclinicalworks – Why Software Solutions are Taking Over
It seems as though every year that passes there is another new and highly advanced piece of software which has been designed to make our lives easier and throughout the…
Richard Blech – Why You Need To Lock Down Computers at Home
The large majority of us now have home computers, laptops, tablets and other devices which we use for our internet use. Unfortunately however the majority of us are also incredibly…
Building Your Business Quickly When Sales Increase Suddenly
The dream of every business is to have their sales and revenue increase sharply and quickly. This means that the company’s brand, products and services are resonating with customers and…