A Technological Revolution to Make Your Restaurant more Efficient
Thanks to new technological developments, restaurants are changing the way they work and they have firmly entered the digital era. With iPad point of sale (POS) systems, restaurant operations have been made more efficient, reducing stress on managers and making the entire business more customer-central. Put together, this increases revenue significantly. Indeed, these systems are key to running an efficient, profitable restaurant.
A User Friendly Visual Interface
Restaurant managers know how important it is to train their employees quickly so they can get to work. With an iPad POS system, this is easier than ever. Most people already know how to use these types of tools anyway through their personal use. But even if they don’t, it is designed to be intuitive and highly visual. This means that your staff should be able to get to grips with it in moments.
Managers Can Streamline Operations Through Easy Reporting
In order to properly manage a restaurant, reports have to be created regularly. This includes daily numbers, sales numbers, average tables, spreads, and more. This is necessary to remain profitable and to allocate budget resources in the right place. Thanks to POS systems, this is easier than ever, as everything, from inventory to overhead costs, are linked together. A single press of a button enables any report to be created.
The System Can Include Payroll and Time Card Systems
An iPad POS system makes it possible to include digital time cards, linked automatically to the payroll system. Hence, hour and overtime tracking is really easy, and scheduling is a breeze. Effectively, it brings every HR operation together in one system.
It Can Synch with Digital Menus
You can offer your customers an iPad at their table so they can place their own orders, add special instructions, and even receive wine and beer suggestions. Customers love this! They can use the system to pay at their table or even to request a server to help them with something specific.
It Is Reliable Because It Doesn’t Need Third Parties to Run it
Finally, when you have an iPad POS system in place, there is no more need to rely on a wealth of external, third party applications. Rather, everything you could possibly need to run a restaurant is included in a single system. An order is placed at the table and automatically sent to the kitchen, while inventory levels are updated automatically at the same time and new orders for inventory are placed. At the same time, the system monitors which server was working and when and makes sure they are paid on time.
As you can see, an iPad POS system is the way forward for any restaurant. Those who have installed it have all reported increased sales and increased profits. Additionally, managerial stress is significantly reduced, which is priceless. While it may require an initial investment, you should see a return on this within a matter of weeks, if not days. See for yourself how you can benefit.